
Our values

At Clam, we cultivate a positive mindset and are committed to success.
Our team innovates and transforms.

Our team

We are committed to diversity and inclusion

We are dedicated to building a team in which diversity in ideas and identities is not only recommended, but encouraged.

Why choose CLAM

We respect the human beings

At Clam, we treat everyone as we would like to be treated. We always seek to respect and value our employees, and we are transparent and truthful in our interpersonal relationships.

We cultivate a positive mindset

We are all committed to success. We believe that our team is our strength. We innovate and transform and we believe that always acting as owners of the company is the best way.

We work efficiently and effectively

At Clam, we strive to be the best at what we do. We aim to do more and better with less.

We always improve our management and leadership

All of us at Clam seek to lead by example, always with discipline and dedication. We fulfill our commitments. We standardize and adopt best practices while also contributing to the continuous improvement of processes.

We act and evolve with humility

We understand that success is in constant construction. We act with simplicity, always aiming at learning more and we are never, ever satisfied.

Our priority

First things first

Clam has specialized and dedicated teams for the effective management of occupational health and safety, a topic for which we have special care. The health and safety of our employees are the foundation that strengthens our company.


Our employees say

Vagas disponíveis


Buscamos profissional para atuar em projetos relacionados à área de socioeconomia no contexto ambiental. O profissional ficará responsável pela elaboração de relatórios, pesquisas de dados secundários, coleta de dados primários, banco de dados, compêndio de metodologias, desenvolvimento de metodologias para projetos específicos, elaboração de diagnósticos, estudos ambientais, avaliação de impactos ambientais sob a ótica da socioeconomia, diagnósticos, entre outros serviços.


  • Graduação em Geografia, Ciências Sociais, Economia, Engenharia Ambiental ou áreas correlatas;
  • Experiência com consultoria ambiental;
  • Experiência com análise de indicadores socioeconômicos e com manipulação tratamento de dados socioeconômicos;
  • Pacote Office completo;
  • Boa redação. Boa comunicação oral;
  • Habilitação categoria B;
  • Disponibilidade para viagens;
  • Cidade de atuação: Belo Horizonte.



  • Salário a combinar;
  • Plano de Saúde, Plano Odontológico, Gympass, VR e VT.



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